Fleet Command orders you to man the guns of the Antaris, protect the fleet and destroy the Katuri. Make it to the last mission and take on the dreaded Katuri Juggernaught Carrier.If you think your particular troubles are too heavy and too traumatic to laugh about, remember that laughing is like changing a baby's diaper. It doesn't solve any problems permanently, but it makes things more acceptable for a while. - Barbara Johnson
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Antaris Game Free Online

How to play the Anteris game:

Your armada of ships are ready and waiting. Additional reinforcements will arrive soon, but we must go with the ships we have for now. Are you ready?




Click on the game to start.


Shoot Cannon.
Hold spacebar down for auto-fire
NOTE:  You MAY need to click inside the game first.

[ / ]

Rotate Cannon
P key
Pause Game
S key
Toggle Sound on and off


All ships have a hull rating. Some ships are also equipped with shields. Damage is first inflicted on the shields. Once the shields are down damage is then inflicted on the hull. When the hull is knocked out the ship is destroyed. At the end of each mission all ships perform auto-repairs which provides up to a fifty percent repair in both shields and hull.


Hints to help you score better with this game.

Key codes that you can type to become invincible, skip ahead, or just toast all attackers instantaneously.



Use the gun turret to protect the outpost. Use the left and right arrow keys to rotate and aim the gun turret. Press the spacebar to shoot the gun. Hold the spacebar down for auto-fire.

Computer controlled missile turrets are attached to the outpost and provide support. Additional missile turrets are awarded after each stage.

Fleet Command has dispatched support ships however they will not arrive until later stages. Like the missile turrets, support ships are computer controlled. Additional ships with increased power will arrive in later stages.

The outpost and all ships have a hull rating. The outpost and some ships are also equipped with shields. Damage is first inflicted on the shields. Once the shields are down damage is then inflicted on the hull. When the hull is knocked out the outpost or ship is destroyed. At the end of each mission all remaining ships are auto-repaired which provides up to a 50 % repair in both shields and hull.

Good Luck. We think you are going to need it.

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